Fedje og folket/ Kort innføring på engelsk (short introduction in English)
«Fedje og folket» (Fedje and its people) is a book about those who live and have lived at Fedje. It starts in the 15th century, when we have the first written sources where Fedje is mentioned. From the end of the 16th century wc know the names of most of the leaseholders at Fedje. From about year 1700 it is possible to find out the family relations, so one can draw up family trees with roots back to that time. The information in the book is up to the present.
The main sources are: At the State Archives in Bergen: Parish registers (starting in 1699), registers of change of inheritance (from 1702 to 1972), censuses in 1666, 1701, 1801, 1865, 1875, 1891 (at the State Archives in Oslo) and 1900, mortgage registers from 1770 up to date, law court books from 1642 till 1790, military records 1749-1800, and register of emigrants 1874-1924. At the State Archives in Oslo: State accounts from 1590 till 1772, registers of estate in 1661, 1665, 1723, 1802, 1819-1845 and 1863, and the arcives of the Department of the light-houses. In the literature list are listed the books that have been used, among others family books of other districts, and books with copies of old letters (from about 1200 till 1660). The oral sources have been important, that is conversation and correspondance with people relating to Fedje. They have also been co-operative in lending old photos. There are about 530 photos in the book.
There are 7 «farms» at Fedje, with their own number (called «gardsnummer» or «gnr») from No 167 to 173. Each place of residence (or domicile) has in addition another number, called «bruksnummer» or «bnr». The book is built around these numbers, so that the families are placed where they lived. Each family has got its own number from no 1 and upwards, and each child a letter from a. In this way it is possible to find from where people came, and to where they moved at Fedje. If they came from or moved to places outside Fedje, the name of community or country is usually mentioned, as well as name of spouse.
The family information is stored in a computer program called «Slekt & Gård» later transferred into «Brother’s Keeper». It will be possible to buy family trees etc. from this program. If this is desirable, please contact the author.
Note on online translation
As Fedje og folket is now available in wiki format, it's easier to use online translation services such as Google Translate. The Norwegian language has two distinct norms, bokmål and nynorsk. Please be aware that the text is in nynorsk, and that most online translation services and programs favour bokmål. This might lead to a slightly lower quality and potential misunderstandings in online translations. Some online translations will also translate names, such as Google translating 'Fedje' to 'fat'.
adjunkt teacher
adoptivbarn adopted child
am. American
arb. work, worker, labourer
arb. Bjelland canning labourer
arva inherit
arving heir
avling crop
b. volume
-b. book
barn/born child(ren)
barnlaus childless
barsel (seng) childbirth
begge both
bestefar/mor grandfather/mother
bnr number of domicile
bror brother
brordotter/son daughter/son of brother (niece/nephew)
bruk domicile, farm unit
brukar tenant/farmer
bryllaup wedding
bu/budde/busett reside(d)
bustad residence, domicile
butikk shop
bygde built (a house)
bygsel leasing land
båt boat
-d daughter (for example Hansd = daughter of Hans)
dg, dagar days
dei they/them
der there
dotter daughter
drukna drowned
d., død, døydde dead, died
dødfødd stillborn
døypt baptized
eigar owner
ein/eitt one
ektefelle/make spouse
ekteskap marriage
eng field
em., enkjemann widower
enkje widow
es. oppløyst divorced
etter after
fadder godfather/mother
far father
farbror brother of father (uncle)
farsøster sister of father (aunt)
fem five
feriebustad holiday resort
fire four
fisk fish
fiskar fisherman
fiske fishery
fl., flytta moved
folketal population
folketeljing census
foreldre parents
fosterson/dotter foster-son/daughter
fot feet
frådelt divided
fyr lighthouse
f., fødd born
før before
gl, gammal old, of age
gard farm/farm unit
gardbrukar farmer/tenant
g., gift married
g.m. married to
g.l.g. m. married first time to
giftarmål marriage
gjestgivar innkeeper
gnr farm number
gravl., gravlagd buried
gris pig
handel(sstad) trade, village store
hans his
havre oats
hennar her
hest horse
hus house
husmann crofter
høy hay
ikkje not
innerst person(s) living in another's house
ingen no
jf compare
jordebok register of estate
jordeigar property owner
jordbruk agriculture
jordmor midwife
kanne = 4,04 litres
kanskje perhaps
kjelde source
kloster monastery
kolera cholera
kone wife
koppskatt personal tax
korn gram
krig war
kr, krone currency from 1875
ku, kyr cow, cows
kval whale
kveite halibut
kyrkje church
kyrkjebok parish register
kår pension
lagnad fate
landskyld tax value
landvare tax
laup 15,4 kilograms
leidang tax
leiglending leaseholder
los pilot
lærar teacher
m.a. among other(s)
manntal census
mark 249 grams
matrikkel register of estate
md month(s)
me we
medeigar fellow owner
meieri dairy
militær rulle military records
mor mother
morbror brother of mother (uncle)
morsøster sister of mother (aunt)
mv. and others
mål a quarter of an acre
namn name
naust boat-house
naut cattle
nemnd mentioned
neste brukar next tenant/farmer
neste eigar next owner
ni nine
næring occupation
omkom deceased
om lag about
ordførar mayor
plass croft
potet potato
pund 5,977 kilograms
på dette bruket at this farm unit
reinhaldar charwoman
rekneskap acoounts
rdl, riksdalar = 4 ort = 96 skilling, currency until 1813
s page
salig deceased
samb.m. living with (without being married)
sau(er) sheep
segl sail
sei coalfish
seinare brukar later tenant/farmer
seinare eigar later owner
seks six
-sen son of (for example Hansen = son of Hans)
sild herring
sju seven
sjukepleiar nurse
sjø sea
sjølveige freehold
sjå see, compare
skatt tax
skatteliste register of taxes
skifte change of inheritance
skilling shilling
skule school
skøyte deed
smør butter
son son
spd, spesiedalar = 5 ort = 120 skilling = 4 kroner, currency from 1816 till 1875
storfe cattle
størje tunny
søsken brothers and sisters, siblings
søskenbarn cousin
søster sister
søsterdotter/son daughter/son of sister (niece/nephew)
s.å. same year
t.d. for example
tenar servant
ti ten
tidlegare earlier
tiend tax
tilleggsareal additional site
tingbok law court book
to two
tomt site
torsk cod
torv peat
tre three
tremenning second cousin
truleg probably
tub. tuberculosis
tvillingar twins
tn, tønne 139 litres
ugift unmarried
ukjend lagnad unknown fate
ulykke accident
utsåd seed
utvandra emigrated
uviss(t) unknown
veker weeks
våg 18,52 kilograms
øy island
åker field
år year(s)
åtte eight
Fedje og folket/ Kort innføring på engelsk (short introduction in English) er henta frå Fedje og folket av Arvid Skogseth, og lagt ut under lisensen cc-by-sa. Denne digitale, oppdaterte utgåva av gards- og ættesoga for Fedje kommune vart utarbeida av Skogseth i 2022. Lokalhistoriewikis brukere kan fritt redigere og utvide artikkelen. Ein kan også melde frå på epost til arviskog(krøllalfa)online.no. Sjå også: Forside • Bakgrunn • Litt allmennsoge om Fedje • Forord • Lesarrettleiing • Forkortingar og ordtydingar • Short introduction in English • Kjelder • Litteratur